Specially designed cleated base allows ease of stacking. The cones will not stick together; they'll firmly grip the road and won't easily be blown over.
Indented Handle
- Easier pick up by hand
- Allows user to easily attach caution tapes, chains, and cones to the accessory around the notch
Recessed Conical Area
- Protective reflective tape from weather and other physical abuse
- Results in longer lasting life span
3M 3340 reflective & prismatic material
- High impact resistant
- High nighttime reflectivity over a wide range of angles
Premium Grade PVC Injection Molding
- Durable & flexible
- Able to fully self correct into original shape after being crushed
Patented Interlocking Base
- Base won't separate from the body even under extreme stress such as being ran over by car
- Nationally recognized & registered trade dress of circle of orange dots around the base of the cone